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Die Medgate Kids Line liefert schnell und unkompliziert medizinischen Rat, wenn es Ihrem Kind nicht gut geht. Rund um die Uhr steht Ihnen das medizinische Team unseres Partners Medgate telefonisch zur Verfügung.
0900 712 712 (3.23 CHF / Min.)
nur über private Festnetz- oder Handynummern
0900 712 713 (3.23 CHF / Min.)
für Anrufe von Prepaid-Handys
Für Business-Anschlüsse: 0800 444 333 (Kosten werden über Krankenversicherung abgerechnet)
Bei Notfällen im Ausland rufen Sie die Notfallnummer Ihrer Krankenkasse an. Diese finden Sie jeweils auf Ihrer Krankenkassenkarte.
Die Medgate Kids Line liefert schnell und unkompliziert medizinischen Rat, wenn es Ihrem Kind nicht gut geht. Rund um die Uhr steht Ihnen das medizinische Team unseres Partners Medgate telefonisch zur Verfügung.
058 387 78 82
(Abrechnung über Krankenversicherung)
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The UKBB does not have its own parking facilities. Visitors to the hospital can park at reduced rates in the nearby Parking City. For emergencies, eight short-term parking spaces are available in front of the UKBB entrance, which must generally be released after 15 minutes at the latest.
The Parking City is within walking distance of the UKBB. After parking, simply follow the signs.
The UKBB parking zone is located on the 4th basement level of the Parking City and is signposted.
Here you will find free parking spaces, even if an OCCUPIED signal is displayed at the car park entrance.
To park at a reduced rate
in the UKBB parking zone, follow the steps below.
In the Parking City, follow the signs to the UKBB parking zone on the 4th basement level.
Open the barrier to the UKBB parking zone on the 4th floor with your parking ticket.
At the reception (or in the special case at the neonatology) the discounted rate will be credited to your parking ticket.
Attention! Without a recoded ticket, you will pay a fee of CHF 25 in the City car park.
There are eight emergency parking spaces and two disabled parking spaces in front of the UKBB entrance. Your parking ticket is valid here for a maximum of 15 minutes. After that you will have to change your parking space.
Emergency patients receive a special orange ticket in the emergency ward which allows them to park free of charge in the UKBB parking zone in the Parking City. The UKBB parking zone in the Parking City also has two disabled parking spaces.
Alone with your child on the emergency? Then you don't have to change parking spaces. You will receive a special permit at the emergency ward. Please place this permit in the car so that it is clearly visible.
10.00 to 20.00: CHF 1.50/hour
20.00 to
10.00: CHF 1.00/hour
0.00 to 24.00: CHF 1.00/hour
1st to 7th day: CHF 15.00/day
8th to
14th day: CHF 10.00/day
From 15th day: CHF 6.50/day
Maximum: CHF 195/month (30 days)
Emergency patients can use the orange special ticket from the emergency ward to access the UKBB parking zone of the Parkhaus City free of charge.
058 387 78 82 (Kosten werden über Krankenkasse abgerechnet)
Bei Notfällen im Ausland rufen Sie die Notfallnummer Ihrer Kranken-kasse an. Diese finden Sie jeweils auf Ihrer Krankenkassenkarte.
(Gift- und Informationszentrum)
Universitäts-Kinderspital beider
Basel, Spitalstrasse 33
4056 Basel | CH
Tel. +41 61 704 12 12
© UKBB, 2025