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Die Medgate Kids Line liefert schnell und unkompliziert medizinischen Rat, wenn es Ihrem Kind nicht gut geht. Rund um die Uhr steht Ihnen das medizinische Team unseres Partners Medgate telefonisch zur Verfügung.
058 387 78 82
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Date of Birth | 05.02.1966 |
Nationality | Swiss / German |
2012 | “Venia docendi” in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Basel, School of Medicine, Switzerland |
2003 |
Board certification for Orthopaedics and
Traumatology (Swiss Certificate) |
1996 | MD, Dissertation at Albert- Ludwigs- University, Germany – Freiburg |
1987-1994 |
Medical School at the Albert- Ludwigs- University, Germany – Freiburg |
Since 2012 |
Orthopaedic Consultant at the Pediatric
Orthopedic Department, University Children's
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland |
07/2005 - 12/2011 | Senior registrar at the Pediatric Orthopedic
Department, University Children's Hospital, Basel,
Switzerland |
07/2004 - 06/2005 |
Fellowship Oncological Orthopaedics |
07/2003 - 06/2004 | Fellowship Paediatric Orthopaedics |
1995 – 2003 |
Resident at |
h-index: 12 (Google Scholar), 29.39 (Researchgate);
Peer-reviewed publications: 37; Book chapters: 5
The main scientific achievements are related to the establishment of biomechanical and medical solutions in paediatric orthopaedic oncological problems. Therefore we created a periacetabular 3d scaffold as biological reactor for remodelling this region after tumor resection. Also we developped an intramedullary nail for a special problem in fibrous dysplasia around the hip and we participated at a phase II randomized double blind placebo controlled study to assess safety tolerability and efficacy of MCS1120 on tumor size in patients with pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). Further my reasearch group published about different paediatric and oncological orthopaedic operative procedures and their outcomes (imb lengthening and extracorporeal irradiation).
Member of AG Knochentumoren (German spoken work group of bone tumors)
Member of European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS)
Member of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic society (EPOS)
- Member of the tumor / infection expert Group, EPOS
Member of the Swiss Orthopaedics (SGOT)
- Voting member of the tumor expert Group, Swiss Orthopaedics
Member of the German spoken Pediatric orthopaedic society - Vereinigung Kinderorthopädie (VKO)
- Member of the educational board of the VKO
2009 2. Marathonpreis (Presentation) at the Swiss orthopaedic conference in Genf
2018 Scientific research award at the VKO-Meeting in Dresden
Leitender Arzt Orthopädie
Leiter Zentrum für Knochen- und Weichteiltumore
Forschungsgruppe: Tumor and Correction Research
Publikationen via Pubmed
058 387 78 82 (Kosten werden über Krankenkasse abgerechnet)
Bei Notfällen im Ausland rufen Sie die Notfallnummer Ihrer Kranken-kasse an. Diese finden Sie jeweils auf Ihrer Krankenkassenkarte.
(Gift- und Informationszentrum)
Universitäts-Kinderspital beider
Basel, Spitalstrasse 33
4056 Basel | CH
Tel. +41 61 704 12 12
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