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Die Medgate Kids Line liefert schnell und unkompliziert medizinischen Rat, wenn es Ihrem Kind nicht gut geht. Rund um die Uhr steht Ihnen das medizinische Team unseres Partners Medgate telefonisch zur Verfügung.
058 387 78 82
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Date of Birth | March 20, 1963 |
Citizenship | Swiss-American dual citizenship |
Martial Status | married, 4 children |
2014 - present | Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, Medical Faculty, University of Basel Vice Chair of Division of Paediatric Pharmacology, Children's University Hospital Basel (UKBB) and Swiss Paediatric Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics Research Centre (SwissPedPha, |
2001 | Certificate in Advanced PK/PD Modeling, University of California San Francisco, USA |
2000 | Specialisation - Nephrology, University of Bern, CH |
1997 | Specialisation - Internal Medicine, University of Bern, CH |
1990 | Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Public Health, University of Basel, CH |
1988 | MD, University of Bern, CH |
2011 - 2014 | Chief Medical Officer, Quantitative Solutions/Certara |
2007 - 2010 | Executive Director, Discovery Medicine & Clinical Pharmacology and Head of Strategic Modeling & Simulation, Research & Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, USA |
2004 - 2007 | Medical Director, Discovery Medicine & Clinical Pharmacology, Research & Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, USA |
2002 - 2004 | Associate Clinical Director, Research & Development, Sanofi-Aventis, Bridgewater, USA |
2000 - 2002 | Fellowship - Biopharmaceutical Sciences/Clinical Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, USA |
1994 - 1999 | Clinical Training - Internal Medicine and Nephrology, University of Bern, CH |
2013 | Leadership Award at ACoP - International Society of Pharmacometrics |
2008 | Fellow - American College of Clinical Pharmacometrics |
Editor Board Member | CPT Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Current Therapeutic Research Journal of Diabetes Research and Therapy Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism |
2012 - 2013 | President of the International Society of Pharmacometrics with 1000 members from 30 countries (ISoP, |
2012 | Co-chair of the Joint ASCPT-ASoP conference |
2011 | Co-founder, treasurer and board director of the American Society of Pharmacometrics (ASoP) |
2010 - 2011 | Chair of the Pharmacometrics (PMK) section at the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT) |
2008 - 2013 | Regent/Board Director of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) |
2008 - 2011 | Co-founder and faculty member of the American Confererence on Pharmacometrics (ACoP, |
2008 | Co-chair of the 38th ACCP annual conference |
Abteilungsleiter Pädiatrische Pharmakologie
Forschungsgruppe: Pediatric Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics Research Center
Publications via Pubmed
058 387 78 82 (Kosten werden über Krankenkasse abgerechnet)
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Basel, Spitalstrasse 33
4056 Basel | CH
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