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PD Dr. med. Dr. sc. nat. Raphael Vuille-dit-Bille

Raphael Vuille-dit-Bille - UKBB - Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel - Pädiatrie - Kinderheilkunde - Pediatrics - Pédiatrie - Seltene Krankheiten - Rare Diseases - Maladies Rares - Perinatal Zentrum - Perinatal Center - Centre Périnatal - Pseudocrupp - Impfungen Baby - Baby Vaccination - Vaccin Bebe

Leitender Arzt Chirurgie
Fachbereichsleiter Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie




Facharztexamen Chirurgie (FMH)


Facharztexamen Kinderchirurgie (FMH)


European Board of Pediatric Surgery written exam


ATLS Instruktor

2008 - 2016

United States Medical Licence Examinations (Step1, Step 2CS, Step 2CK, Step 3)


Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. sc. Nat)


Basisexamen Chirurgie


Doktor der Medizin (Dr. med.)

2000 - 2007

Medizinstudium Universität Zürich

Beruflicher Werdegang

Seit 05/2022

Leitender Arzt und Fachbereichsleiter Viszeral-und Thoraxchirurgie Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (Prof. S. Holland-Cunz)


Oberarzt Kinderchirurgie Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (Prof. S. Holland-Cunz)


Stv. Oberarzt Kinderchirurgie Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (Prof. S. Holland-Cunz)

2018 - 2019

Oberarzt Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie Kanstonsspital Winterthur (Prof. S. Breitenstein)

2016 - 2018

Pediatric Surgery Fellow Childrens Hospital Colorado, USA (Prof. F. Karrer)

2015 - 2016

Assistenzarzt Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie Kanstonsspital Winterthur (Prof. S. Breitenstein)


Assistenzarzt Kinderchirurgie Kinderspital Zürich (Prof. M. Meuli)

2011 - 2013

Assistenzarzt Chirurgie Spital Bülach (Frau Dr. B. Muff)

2008 - 2010

MD-PhD Physiologisches Institut der Universität Zürich (Prof. F. Verrey)

Klinische Schwerpunkte

  • Neugeborenenchirurgie
  • Viszeralchirurgie
  • Thoraxchirurgie (inkl. Thoraxwandfehlbildungen)


As a Pediatric Surgeon, I am often confronted with rare diseases and disorders and their respective treatment. Clinical decisions thereby mostly base on limited evidence. My goal is hence to (i) provide high-evidence clinical research and (ii) to address treatment options of rare disorders in basic (translational) research:

Clinical research (i):
Systematic reviews attempt to systematically identify, rate, synthesize and finally present the evidence, that meets pre-defined eligibility criteria to answer specific research questions. As systematic reviews are only as good (or as bad) as therein included studies, Cochrane systematic reviews set a very high threshold for studies to be included, and authors have to apply to certain predefined rules and methods that intend to reduce bias and confounding factors. For the past years we conducted several systematic reviews including three Cochrane eviews ( For one of these systematic reviews we were awarded with the British Journal of Surgery Prize in 2021. As for some research questions, good evidence is lacking (e.g. due to the rarity of the disease), in 2016 we founded the metaanalysis group ( in order to synthesize the evidence of specific research questions where high-quality evidence is missing. In collaboration with other Cochrane Groups (, we furthermore intend to share our knowledge by offering peer reviews, help with specific research questions, and by offering master theses to medical students at the Universities of Zürich and Basel.

Translational research (ii):
During my MD-PhD, I worked on the expression and regulation of intestinal amino acid and other nutrient transporters in humans. Among other findings, we could hereby show, that SARS-CoV-2 receptor angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in small intestinal enterocytes is necessary for the expression of luminal membrane amino acid transporters B0AT1 (SLC6A19) and SIT1 (SLC6A20). The intestine might be an entry site for SARS-CoV-2 and the infection might have even started by eating food from the Wuhan market. After my PhD I started to build my own basic research group adressing the expression of small intestinal nutrient (amino acids and monosaccharides) transporters in human newborns. We could hereby show for the first time, that human newborns lack the expression of Proline transporter SIT1, as well as of Fructose transporter GLUT5. Whereas intestinal Proline transport can be provided by other transporters, this signifies, that human newborns are not able to absorb Fructose at all. For these findings I was awarded with the ‚Prix Nachwuchs’ by the Swiss Society of Pediatric Surgery in 2019. In collaboration with the group of Prof. Christoph Schneider (University of Zürich) and Prof. James Dunn (University of Stanford) we are currently investigating new treatment methods (intestinal distraction using an elastic spring; chronic intestinal helminth infection, etc.) for short bowel syndrome, a seldom disorder affecting mainly newborns after major intestinal resections.


Seit 2020

Core Curriculum Kinderchirurgie für Assistenz- und Stv. Oberärzte UKBB

Seit 2019

Club Pädiatrie Universität Basel

Seit 2019

AIP (Arzt im Praktikum) Masterstudiengang Universität Basel

Seit 2018

ATLS Instruktor


Vuille-dit-Bille, Raphael

PD Dr. med. Dr. sc. nat. Raphael Vuille-dit-Bille

Leitender Arzt Chirurgie Fachbereichsleiter Viszeral-und Thoraxchirurgie


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      für Kinder- und Jugendnotfälle

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      Tox Info Suisse

      (Gift- und Informationszentrum)



      Universitäts-Kinderspital beider
      Basel, Spitalstrasse 33
      4056 Basel | CH

      Tel. +41 61 704 12 12



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